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on caste outside of India

Pieter Streefland,
The Sweepers of Slaughterhouse: Conflict and Survival in a Karachi Neighbourhood, Van Gorcum (Assen), 1979.

Sri Lanka:

Nur Yalman,
Under the Bo Tree: Studies in Caste Kinship, and Marriage in the Interior of Ceylon, University of California Press, 1967.

Bryce Ryan,
Caste in Modern Ceylon: The Sinhalese System in Transition, Rutgers University Press, 1953.


Michael Weiner (editor),
Japan�s Minorities: The Illusion of Homogeneity, Routledge, 1997.

Ian Neary,
Political Protest and Social Control in Pre-War Japan: The Origins of Buraku Liberation, Humanities Press international, 1989.

Hiroshi Wagatsuma, "The pariah caste in Japan: history and present self-image,� in
Caste and Race: Comparative Approaches, Little, Brown and Company, 1967.

George De Vos and Hiroshi Wagatsuma,
Japan�s invisible Race: Caste in Culture and Personality, University of California Press, 1966.

Shimazaki Toson,
The Broken Commandment (classic novel), University of Tokyo Press, 1974 (1906).


Arthur Tuden and Leonard Plotnicov (editors),
Social Stratification in Africa, The Free Press, 1970.

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