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on the Indian working class
For a summary of current state of the Indian labor movement and some perspectives based on several of the works below, see our September 9, 2005 letter on the repression of Honda workers in Gurgaon, Haryana.
Sharit K. Bhowmik, �The Labour Movement in India: Present Problems and Future Perspectives,� The Indian Journal of Social Work, 59: 1, January 1998.
Perceptive and valuable.)

Barbara Harriss-White,
India Working: Essays in Society and Economy, Cambridge UP: 2003.

Barbara Harriss-White and Nandini Gooptu, "Mapping India's World of Unorganized Labour,"
Socialist Register 2001: Working Classes, Global Realities, Monthly Review Press, 2000

Rohini Hensman, "Organizing Against the Odds: Women in India's Informal Sector,"
Socialist Register 2001: Working Classes, Global Realities, Monthly Review Press, 2000

Jan Breman,
The Making and Unmaking of an Industrial Working Class: Sliding Down the Labour Hierarchy in Ahmedabad, India, Oxford UP: 2004.
Reveals the social context of the 2002 Gujarat massacre.)

Morris D. Morris,
The Emergence of an Industrial Labor Force in India: A study of the Bombay Cotton Mills, 1854-1947, University of California Press: 1965.

Jonathan Parry, Jan Breman, and Karin Kapadia (editors),
The Worlds of Indian Industrial Labour, Sage Publications, 1999

Chamanlal Revri,
The Indian Trade Union Movement: An Outline History 1880-1947, Orient Longman, 1972

Maya Shah (editor),
Labour Market Segmentation in India, Himalaya Publishing House, 1998

E. A. Ramaswamy,
Worker Consciousness and Trade Union Response, Oxford UP, 1988

Heather and Vijay Joshi,
Surplus Labor and the City: A Study of Bombay, Oxford UP, 1976

Jan Breman,
The Labouring Poor in India: Patterns of Exploitation, Subordination and Exclusion, Oxford UP: 2003.

Jan Breman,
Footloose Labour: Working in India�s Informal Economy, Cambridge UP: 1996.

Jan Breman,
Wage Hunters and Gatherers: Search for Work in the Urban and Rural Economy of South Gujarat, Oxford UP: 1994.

Jan Breman, Arvind Das, and Ravi Agarwal (photos),
Down and Out: Labouring Under Global Capitalism, Oxford UP: 2000.

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