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on Indian history

D. D. Kosambi,
Ancient India: A History of its Culture and Civilzation, Meridian 1965 (also published as The Culture and Civilization of Ancient India in Historical Outline)

D. D. Kosmabi,
An Introduction to the Study of indian History, Popular Prakashan, 1996 (1956)

D. D. Kosambi,
Combined Methods in Indology and Other Writings, Oxford UP, 2002

A. L. Basham,
The Wonder that Was India, Rupa, third revised (1954)

Romila Thapar,
A History of India: Volume 1, Penguin 1990 (1996)

Romila Thapar,
Early India: From the Origins to 1300, University of California Press, 2003

Romila Thapar,
Interpreting Early India, Oxford UP, 1995 (1992)

Ainslie T. Embree (editor),
Sources of Indian Tradition: From the Beginning to 1800, Columbia UP, 1988


Sumit Sarkar,
Modern India: 1885-1947, Macmillan, 1983

Suniti Kumar Ghosh,
India and the Raj 1919-1947, 2 volumes, (history of the independence movement by a member of the (Maoist) CPI(M-L))

Eric Stokes,
The Peasant and the Raj: Studies in agrarian society and peasant rebellion in colonial India, Cambridge UP, 1978

Stephen Hay (editor),
Sources of Indian Tradition: Modern India and Pakistan, Columbia UP, 1988


John Keay,
A History of India, Harper and Row, 2000

Irfan Habib,
Essays in Indian History: Towards a Marxist Perspective, Tulika Books, 1995.

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