anti-caste index
on Indian communism
Gene D. Overstreet and Marshall Windmiller, Communism in India, University of California Press, 1959 (a comprehensive, anti-Communist account)

E. H. Carr,
The Bolshevik Revolution, volume 3: 1917-1923, Penguin (1953) (covers Second Congress, Fourth Congress, Baku)

G. Adhikari (editor),
Documents of the History of the Communist Party of India, volume 1 (1917-23), volume 2 (1923-25), People's Publishing House, 1970

Selig S. Harrison,
India: The Most Dangerous Decades, Princeton UP, 1960 (by a CIA researcher--very suggestive on the intersection of caste, linguistic nationalism, and Indian Stalinism)

David N. Druhe,
Soviet Russia and Indian Communism, 1917-1947, with an Epilogue Covering the Situation Today, Bookman Associates, 1959

Paul R. Brass and Marcus F. Franda,
Radical Politics in South Asia, MIT Press, 1973

Rabindra Ray,
The Naxalites and Their Ideology, Oxford UP, 1988

Sumanta Banerjee,
In the Wake of Naxalbari: A History of the Naxalite Movement in India, Subarnarekha, Calcutta, 1980

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